An open house is an opportunity for sellers to showcase their property to a potentially large number of interested buyers, and a great way to generate buzz. While you want to be as open and honest about the property as possible, you also want to make a good impression - and that means there are some things that you don't want to say during an open house. Here are five things that you should definitely keep to yourself during your next open house. This Is Where The Dog Did His Business There is a good chance that the new owner of a home is going to do something about stained carpet or … [Read more...]
Four Surefire Ways to Irritate Potential Buyers and How to Avoid These Costly Mistakes
Irritating any potential buyers is the last thing you want to do when selling a house because it is can be a challenging and sometimes lengthy process. The buyer is going to have a wide array of options when deciding on a new home, so they have no problem going somewhere else if they see something they do not like. While there are a plethora of ways for a seller to irritate a potential home buyer, these are the four most common – and most costly. Pricing The House Too High There is nothing worse you can do when trying to sell a home than pricing it too high. While you may think that it … [Read more...]
Selling to Millennials: High-Tech Upgrades That Will Increase Your Home’s Appeal to Young Buyers
Millennials are finally starting to enter the real estate market after delaying home purchases for several years. With a completely new client base looking for homes, it is time to start making your home more appealing to these young buyers. Millennials are used to using high-tech gadgets every day, so they are going to desire these things in their new home. While there are several high-tech upgrades you can make on your home, these three will appeal the most to young homebuyers. Keyless Entry: Security for the New Millennium Keyless entry doors are becoming a popular way of keeping a home … [Read more...]
Selling Your House? Three Ways You Can Easily Scare Buyers off – and How to Avoid These Mistakes
Are you selling your house or condo? Once you place your home up for sale you'll start to receive interest from prospective buyers, many of whom you'll meet in person and invite in to take a look around. In order to ensure your sale goes smoothly you'll want to avoid making any slip-ups that can spook the buyer and cause them to drop their interest in your listing. Let's take a quick look at three ways that you can scare buyers off and how to avoid finding yourself in these circumstances. Pricing Your Home Too High One of the biggest mistakes made by home sellers is setting the initial listing … [Read more...]
Three Reasons Why Setting Your Listing Price is the Most Important Aspect of the Home Sales Process
Have you decided to sell your home, perhaps to make an upgrade to a newer, larger house? Whatever your reasons for selling, you'll have a number of decisions to make as you craft your listing and begin receiving offers from buyers but few are as important as your initial selling price. Let's take a look at three reasons why setting your listing price is the most important factor in your home sale. Reason #1: You Can Scare Off Potential Buyers With A High Price You'll receive the majority of your buyer interest in the first few days and weeks after you place your home up for sale, so it's … [Read more...]