Selling your home is an exciting journey, but receiving a lowball offer can feel like a setback. While it might be tempting to reject such offers outright, handling them with patience and strategy can often lead to a better outcome. Here’s how to effectively manage lowball offers on your home. 1. Stay Calm and Objective First and foremost, receiving a lowball offer can be disappointing, but it’s important to stay calm and not take it personally. Remember, buyers are often testing the waters to see how much room there is for negotiation. 2. Evaluate the Offer Next, carefully review … [Read more...]
4 Things You Should Never, Ever Say If You Hope to Sell Your Home
Have you ever had a conversation with a total stranger where you said something that you regret? If you are placing your house or condo on the market, you're eventually going to end up having to chat with potential buyers. Yes, your real estate agent is likely to do most of the talking. However, you will still have to deal with buyers who want to grill you about the home's history, condition, and more. With that in mind, let's have a look at four things you should never say to someone who is interested in buying your home. "We're Not Accepting Offers Less Than…" A good way to kill your … [Read more...]
What Costs Can You Expect When Selling Your Home? Let’s Take a Look
For many people, putting their home up for sale is an exciting time. With real estate on the rise, there are plenty of opportunities to see financial gains. Unfortunately, even if you're selling your home, there are still going to be costs involved before ownership is transferred. If you want to be prepared for what to expect, here are some costs to watch out for. Real Estate Agent Fees As with buying a home, there will be costs involved in selling your home with an agent who will take a percentage out of the total sale of your home. Fortunately, while this will cost money, utilizing a real … [Read more...]
Keeping Quiet: Five Things You Shouldn’t Mention During an Open House
An open house is an opportunity for sellers to showcase their property to a potentially large number of interested buyers, and a great way to generate buzz. While you want to be as open and honest about the property as possible, you also want to make a good impression - and that means there are some things that you don't want to say during an open house. Here are five things that you should definitely keep to yourself during your next open house. This Is Where The Dog Did His Business There is a good chance that the new owner of a home is going to do something about stained carpet or … [Read more...]
Selling Your Home? Here’s 3 Reasons Why You Won’t Want to Handle the Sale Yourself
Are you thinking about selling your home? If so, you may be weighing the pros and cons of working with a professional real estate agent. Let's take a quick look at three great reasons why you won't want to handle the sale yourself. You Won't Save As Much As You Think Let's start with the most common and obvious reason that homeowners try to handle their home sale: the cost. It's true that selling your home using the services of a real estate professional isn't going to be free. Depending on the value of your home, their commission might range from two to four or five percent of the final … [Read more...]